
Let`s find sustainable water solutions together…

Wapure International GmbH - UVOX Redox®

Value proposition:

  • Absolutely safe water
  • Hygienically perfect water
  • No (filamentous) Algae
  • Minor biofilm formation on walls and surfaces
  • No noxious by-products
  • No unpleasant smell or taste
  • Oxidation of micropollutants (e.g. urine, sweat and cosmetics, pesticide and hormones)
  • Suitability for allergy sufferers
  • Soft to hair, shin, and throat
  • Increasing the oxygen content
  • Minimal maintenance effort
  • Reuse of water (such as for watering the green)
  • A sustainable and economical way of water purification

The UVOX Redox POND® process enables a care and maintenance of your private pond even without usage of chemicals. The UVOX Redox POND® system will assist the natural nitrification process and will safeguard the health of the bathers by inactivating hazardous compounds.

The disinfection of all microorganisms (bacteria, algae, and viruses) and the (advanced) oxidation of body fluids, such as urine and sweat, will be effectively performed by the triple UVOX Redox® System. The pond water will stay in its natural form and free from any noxious residuals.

The triple UVOX Redox® process combines the oxidizing effect of ozone with the disinfecting effect of ultraviolet light and initiates meanwhile a highly effective advanced oxidation process (AOP) in one single system with one single lamp.

Case study


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  • Bürozeiten:
    Montag – Freitag
    9.00 – 12.00 und
    13.30 – 16.00
Wapure International GmbH - UVOX Redox®
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