UVOX Redox®– Systemkomponenten
UVOX Redox® UV-Compact
The UVOX Redox® Compact measurement and control system guarantees an optimal monitoring and an efficient operation of the UVOX Redox® Systems.
UVOX Redox® Compact measures the UV-Intensity and therefore guarantees the minimum killing rate of all pathogens in the water, such as bacteria, viruses and algae.
- Controlling the UV-Intensity in %
- Controlling the temperature of ballast and lamp
- Controlling the water and system temperature.
- Counter of Lamp life and System life
- integrates the electronic ballast

UVOX Redox® Pilot
Especially for private pools, natural ponds, (koi)ponds, fish hatcheries and zoos, the UVOX Redox® pilot takes over the complete monitoring and controlling of your water quality and therefore guarantees pure and crystal clear water.
Beside measuring and controlling of water parameters, such as p.H., Redox and temperature, it also automatically operates the backflush of the filter and heating. The UVOX Redox® Pilot is even able to forward alarm function to your mobile phone.